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Privacy Policy
For some, privacy is big time super precious. Personally I stick to the shadows and lock my gate. Sometimes I get bad privacy vibes and eat my cardboard packaging so the recycling centre won't know where my shopping is from or lie about my shoe size so i can't be profiled by clarks. I've developed smaller than they should be little toes as a result but that's a small price to pay all things considered.
Others are more cavalier, scattering data worldwide like naughty ponies (because ponies do that ever since an evolutionary hiccup faulted their hazard detection bit of pony brain).
If you subscribe to this site not only will you wonder why you don't get any emails, you can also be assured that:
Your address will be stored encrypted behind two factor authentication.
Your address will never be shared, sold, sneakily peaked at, or insecurely disposed of.
You will not be spammed with lots of buy this please or any great offers or meaningless updates.
If you would like to know when new work is added or otherwise keep up with the glasspool then all are welcome.
If you unsubscribe your address will be destroyed; shredded! (email address that is, not home). You will hear no more..
Using the form submit button has all the same guarantees as above. You will not be automatically subscribed unless you tick the box that says "subscribe". No sneaky pre-ticking here- it isn't allowed.
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